DEATHCRAFT 2 | Amazing!! Left 4 Dead 2 Mod: This is AWESOME!!! Part 3

2013-01-31 2

This will be my last Left 4 Dead series due to the voice volumes. I had thought I had it figured out but this obviously proves I was wrong. Im sorry

Welcome to an amazing Left 4 Dead 2 mod called Deathcraft 2. This is the coolest mod ever allowing more then just a custom map. It has minecraft character skins from players to zombies. All the way to custom minecraft weapons. If your a fan of L4d and minecraft. This will definitely give you a rise in your levis!!! Thanks for Watching!!!

Download map, and mods here:

If you are having issues installing mods follow these steps:

PredictableNovas channel:

SGCBarbierians Channel:

DrChiz Channel: